Scrapping free transport to Welsh-medium schools “totally unacceptable” says UCAC

15 June 2018

Scrapping free transport to Welsh-medium schools “totally unacceptable” says UCAC

In response to information that has come to light that Flintshire County Council is considering scrapping free transport for pupils attending Welsh-medium schools, Dilwyn Roberts-Young, UCAC teaching union’s Deputy General Secretary said:

“We are fully aware of the budgetary pressures that Local Authorities are facing. However, scrapping free transport to Welsh-medium schools would be a huge own goal. It is totally unacceptable that this matter is even under consideration.

“The Learner Travel (Wales) Measure 2008 places a responsibility on every Local Authority to “to promote access to education and training through the medium of Welsh.” Getting rid of this free transport would fly in the face of this statutory requirement and would actively raise barriers between pupils and Welsh-medium schools.

“The obvious result is that pupils will be compelled to attend an English-medium school closer to home, thereby depriving them of access to education in their mother-tongue, or in the case of non-native speakers, depriving them of the right to become natural, confident bilingual citizens of Wales.

“That would be a direct hit against the Welsh Government’s policy of creating a million Welsh-speakers by 2050.

“The proposal to discuss this matter suggests that Flintshire County Council are in a desperate financial situation. In which case, it is time for us to have a national debate about the funding levels and methodology for our education system.”

UCAC notes that Flintshire County Council’s Welsh in Education Strategic Plan (2017-2020) is entirely clear on the matter:

"Flintshire County Council meets the requirements of Section 10 of the Learner Travel Measure (Wales) 2008. The local authority’s School Transport Policy includes provision for pupils of compulsory school age to be provided with free transport to Welsh Medium Schools... Accessibility to education through the medium of Welsh is facilitated by the provision of a network of suitable transport routes and travel times are not excessive.”

In relation to post-16 education, the Plan states:

“Free transport is provided to learners who wish to access post 16 courses at the local authority’s Welsh medium Secondary School… whilst there are currently no plans to amend the policy, removal of this discretionary provision in the future could present a challenge in terms of learners’ ability to access Welsh medium post 16 education.”



For further information please contact:

  • Rebecca Williams: 07787 572180 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.