Timetable for Implementing the New Curriculum for Wales

8 February 2017

The Timetable for Implementing the New Curriculum for Wales
UCAC welcomed the opportunity to offer evidence to the Senedd’s Children and Young People Committee recently regarding the readiness of schools and the teaching workforce to implement the proposed curriculum changes for Wales.
“With the publication of Professor Donaldson’s Successful Futures we have the chance for the first time to have our own curriculum in Wales. This is warmly welcomed by UCAC, however it is worrying that there remains so much uncertainty in our schools regarding these developments,” said Ywain Myfyr on behalf of UCAC.
“It might be that the Pioneer Schools are working on great things, but this information needs to be shared so that the majority of our schools know exactly what’s happening.”
“In order that we ensure the deserved success, the correct level of funding needs to be put in place. This should ensure that the best possible training becomes available for the entire workforce. This could mean and extra INSET days or releasing leaders and teachers from schools if it is to be done properly. It is our grave concern that this is not happening at present and the new curriculum is becoming another task for teachers in their already considerable workload.”
Fur further information please contact Ywain Myfyr on 01970 639 950 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.