Who will fund teachers’ pay rise?

22 July 2019

Who will fund teachers' pay rise?

In response to Welsh Government’s announcement today (22 July) on teachers’ salaries for the school year 2019-20, UCAC education union has raised concerns about who will fund the pay rise.
Dilwyn Roberts-Young, UCAC’s General Secretary said “Today is a historic day – the first time that Wales has determined the salaries of its own schoolteachers. That is a major, positive step in acknowledging that Wales should take responsibility for its teaching profession.
“UCAC welcomes the recommendations made by the Independent Welsh Pay Review Body (IWPRB) which has published its report today. If implemented in full, these will reinstate a truly national pay system for schoolteachers, which will provide clarity, consistency and equity across the board.
“On the basis of these recommendations, the Minister is proposing a 5% increase to the salary of newly-qualified teachers to bring it closer into line with the starting salaries of other graduate professions, and a 2.75% pay increase for all other teachers - which goes beyond the recommendations of the Pay Review Body, but ensures there is no detriment in relation to teachers across the border in England. 
“We will be responding to these proposals from the Minster and urging her to seriously consider how to implement the Review Body’s other recommendations as soon as possible.
“We are glad to note that the Minister is “keenly aware” of the “pressures on funding” that schools and Local Authorities are facing. UCAC, in turn, is “keenly aware” that the Westminster Government is yet to announce to what extent it will be funding the pay rise for teachers in England, and what the implications of that will be for Wales. 
“We urge both Governments to fund these pay rises in full. Anything less will represent a further cut to education budgets, which will have an impact on job security and workload, and in turn affect the quality of education, rendering the school system less and less sustainable.”