£100 million for Wales, an appeal to develop the Welsh language

9 December 2013

£100 million for Wales, an appeal to develop the Welsh language

Organisations supporting the Welsh language have called on the First Minister to use a part of the finance that is coming to Wales as a result of the Chancellor’s Autumn Budget Announcement to invest in Welsh language projects that will improve the skills of children and workers.

The budget which was recently approved by the Welsh Government includes cuts to Welsh language projects of more than £1.5 million over the next two years.
The umbrella group ‘Celebrating our Language’ represents 25 organisations which promote and work in the Welsh language. In a letter to the First Minister and the Finance Minister today, the Chairman of Celebrating our language, Penri Williams, said:
 “The recent Census results showed that the Welsh language is facing a crisis and there is a need for the Government to act urgently to prevent a further fall. Recently we had a constructive meeting with your officers where it became apparent that there was a desire to act on practical proposals if additional funds were available.
“We appreciate that the current financial situation is challenging, but we also note that this additional funding provides an opportunity to assist the Welsh language and improve skills and the standard of care in our health service.
 “We suggest therefore that the following can be implemented with the additional funding:
  • establish centres for pupils wishing to transfer to Welsh language education (based on the Gwynedd model) in Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion and Ynys Môn;
  • provide funds for the Welsh for Adults Centres to provide additional Welsh courses for teachers and health workers;
  • additional support for organisations that provide community training opportunities for adults and young people.”
For further information please contact Penri Williams, Chairman, for Celebrating Our Language on 02920890040 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Celebrating Our Language – Mudiadau Dathlu’r Gymraeg members include:
CAER, Cronfa Glynd?r, Coleg Cenedlaethol Cenedlaethol, Cwlwm Cyhoeddwyr Cymru, CYDAG, Cynghrair Cymunedau Cymru, Cyfeillion y Ddaear, Cymdeithas Alawon Gwerin, Cymdeithas Bob Owen, Cymdeithas Cerdd Dant Cymru, Cymdeithas Cyfieithwyr Cymru, Cymdeithas y Cymod, Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg, Eglwys Bresbyteraidd Cymru, Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru, Merched y Wawr, Mentrau Iaith Cymru, Prifysgol Cymru Y Drindod Dewi Sant, RhAG, UAC, UCAC, UMCA, UMCB, Urdd Gobaith Cymru