July 2023

At the beginning of June, two UCAC representatives attended a DARPL, Diversity and Anti-Racist Professional Learning, Conference in Cardiff and shared the main messages of the Conference with members of UCAC’s Equality Committee, which convened before the end of the Summer Term.   The delegates of the DARPL conference were deeply affected by the harrowing experiences of racism endured by some of the speakers.  These experiences were shared within the context of the Welsh Government’s vision of an anti-racist Wales by 2030. 

The Conference speakers emphasised the importance of anti-racism, in order to combat racism.   Within the new Curriculum for Wales, the teaching of Black, Asian and minority ethnic history is statutory.  It is well worth remembering that there are resources which refer specifically to Wales and Welsh-medium resources.

It was noted that school leaders have an important role to play to foster and establish an anti-racist ethos.  Further guidance can be found in the following document:

Creating an Anti-Racist Culture in Schools - A Practical Guide for School Leaders in Wales - DARPL

The Welsh Government has also produced a list of race and ethnicity terms, which members of the Equality Committee felt was a valuable resource:
