Planning of WM education falls short of expectation

02 April 2014

Planning of WM education falls short of expectation

The draft Welsh in Education Strategic Plans Schemes submitted by Welsh Local Authorities fall very short of Welsh Government targets for the growth of Welsh-medium education. This is RhAG and UCAC’s general conclusion after reviewing all the Plans.

All Local Authorities in Wales have submitted their draft plans for ratification by the Welsh Government, and RhAG and UCAC have expressed concerns that a significant proportion are generally inadequate and lacking in ambition.

This is the main finding of both organisations after contributing comments on all 22 Welsh in Education Strategic Plans, which become statutory documents for the first time from April 1, and outline how they will plan the provision of Welsh-medium Education between 2014-17.
Overall the Plans are considered to be a lacking in tangible and measurable targets and too vague in terms of the methods that local authorities will adopt to achieve the targets that have been set in the Government’s Welsh-medium Education Strategy.
Among the key findings :
  • Although Local Authorities generally want to see Welsh-medium education succeed, there is a general lack of vision and / or pro-active, assertive action to ensure that national targets are met.
  • There is insufficient evidence to illustrate the expectation that LAs should now stimulate and promote the growth of Welsh-medium education .
  • There is not enough reference to parental surveys for measuring demand or responding to surveys that have already been carried out.
  • There is very little in terms of specific challenging and measurable targets that will lead to real progress .
  • A lack of targets demonstrating specific growth and opening of new schools.
  • In counties where primary – secondary language progression is weak, there are insufficient targets to address this slippage and close the gap.
  • A lack of emphasis, or in the case of a number of LAs, no emphasis at all on the proactive promotion of Welsh-medium education in order to stimulate growth .
Ceri Owen, RhAG Development Officer said, "Some LAs have broadly outlined how they will expand Welsh-medium education, but we are concerned that the Plans currently fail to truly reflect the spirit and letter of the School Standards and Organization Act (Wales) 2013 and the accompanying Regulations. There is a failure to outline how each Local Authority will achieve the results expected of them.
"The launch of the Welsh-medium Education Strategy back in April 2010 was the first step in the process of speeding up the response to the growing demand for Welsh-medium education: effective implementation of the work program is the only way to achieving the targets set in it .
"All strategic plans should be effective vehicles which facilitate and resolve the existing barriers inhibiting the growth of Welsh-medium education, enabling Local Authorities to expand provision. It is therefore necessary that clear and coherent targets are set based on the vision that they have a duty now to not only meet the demand but also to stimulate growth. We acknowledge that some counties have clearly identified their priorities, however it is essential that all LAs emulate that practice.
"RhAG calls on the Welsh Government to adopt a tough stance on this matter and we urge the Education Minister to use the new powers in his possession to reject all Plans which are too weak, general and vague. The Welsh Government must be unwavering and demonstrate that non-compliance isn’t acceptable, so that we finally turn national consensus and political will into real change on the ground during the first cycle of these new Plans."
Rebecca Williams, Policy Officer for UCAC added, "These plans are incredibly diverse, and some of them do include honest analysis and challenging targets. However, we are disappointed that so many demonstrate a lack of direction, a lack of inspiration and a lack of ambition. We urge the Welsh Government to ensure that Local Authorities take their statutory responsibilities seriously, and insist that the weakest plans are significantly revised as a matter of urgency. "
For more information please contact Ceri Owen, RhAG Development Officer on 07912175403 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Rebecca Williams, UCAC Policy Officer on 01970 639950 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Welsh in Education Strategic Plans 2014-17
National Overview: RhAG’s General Conclusions 
Welsh Medium Education Strategy, Welsh Government, April 2010
Welsh Medium Education Strategy Annual Report 2012-13 
In the introduction, the Education Minister acknowledges that the 2015 target won’t be met, but without definitive action from LAs it is also highly unlikely that the 2020 target of 30% of 7 year olds receiving Welsh-medium education will be met either.