UCAC welcomes the publication of the OECD's report following its review of the Education System in Wales

10 April 2014

UCAC welcomes the publication of the OECD's report following its review of the Education System in Wales.

UCAC has welcomed the publication of the OECD's report following its review of the Education System in Wales.

According to Elaine Edwards, UCAC's General Secretary, "The report criticises the Welsh Government for a lack of vision and strategic planning in education. It blames the Welsh Government for poor implementation of new initiatives and a lack of clarity when creating long- term policies, a failure to provide support and training for teachers, and a lack of workforce planning."

"The report reflects serious concerns raised by UCAC time and again, including the fact that the Government has introduced too many changes too quickly, without establishing a suitable school improvement framework."
"The report identified a positive environment in classes and a very good relationship between teachers and pupils, both of which are conducive to learning, but there are concerns about the lack of status and recognition for the profession in Wales, which is likely to affect recruitment. UCAC believes that blaming teachers for things that are beyond their control is totally unacceptable - and it must stop! We must acknowledge the importance of teachers for the future success of our children and young people."   
"The Government must accept responsibility for its failings and rise to the challenge of putting things right. It is not acceptable for the Minister to claim that they have already put measures in place to solve these problems. Now is not the time to wash his hands of responsibility.  The Government has taken a few small steps to address these issues but there is so much left to do."
For further information please contact UCAC on 01970 639 950.