Two establishments creating problems for the Welsh language

20 May 2014

Two establishments creating problems for the Welsh language

The Welsh Language Commissioner has replied to a complaint by the umbrella group Celebrating our Language about the process of creating and consulting on the Standards proposed under the Welsh Language Act. The Commissioner  conceded that difficulties had arisen "because two organizations are involved in the task of creating the standards" - namely the Welsh Government and the Welsh Language Commissioner. Celebrating our Language raised concerns in a letter to the Commissioner and the First Minister, Carwyn Jones earlier this month.
Celebrating our Language, on behalf of its 26 member organisation, believes that the new Standards have the potential to improve the service that the public can expect from Welsh public bodies and other service providers.
Penri Williams, Chairman of Celebrating our Language stated, "We need to ensure that the Standards make a real difference to the lives of Welsh speakers in Wales. They must be clear and understandable to the public, and we need to ensure that provision is available without putting pressure on the individual to demand it."
However, in an unclear and confusing process which took place between January and April this year, there was no consultation on the Standards themselves - only on which of them would be acceptable to County Councils and National Park Authorities.
In her response to Celebrating our Language, the Commissioner states, "it seems that the majority of responses received from the public deal with the proposed standards themselves, and not the subject of the standards inquiry. That strongly suggests that there has been confusion, and it is fair to conclude that this has occurred because of the different consultation demands on the Government and the Welsh Language Commissioner."
Penri Williams said, "There is a strong feeling that the process had fallen between two stools with the Welsh Government producing the Standards, and the Welsh Language Commissioner consulting on how to implement them. The Commissioner herself has acknowledged that the confusion is evident in the responses from the public.
"Given that this process will be repeated in relation to other bodies in the future, Celebrating our Language urges the Welsh Government and Commissioner to improve the process in response to our concerns, and to consult fully on the Standards themselves in a way that will be accessible to users of the services in question, namely the public."
For more information please contact Penri Williams on 029 20890040 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Celebrating Our Language - Mudiadau Dathlu'r Gymraeg -
Members of Celebrating Our Language - Mudiadau Dathlu’r Gymraeg:
CAER, Cronfa Glyndwr, Cwlwm Cyhoeddwyr Cymru, CYDAG, Cyfeillion y Ddaear (Friends of the Earth), Cymdeithas Alawon Gwerin, Cymdeithas Bob Owen, Cymdeithas Cerdd Dant Cymru, Cymdeithas Cyfieithwyr Cymru (Association of Welsh Translators and Interpreters), Cymdeithas y Cymod, Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg, Eglwys Bresbyteraidd Cymru (The Presbyterian Church of Wales), Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru, Merched y Wawr, Mentrau Iaith Cymru, RhAG (Parents for Welsh medium education), UAC, UCAC, UMCA, UMCB, Urdd Gobaith Cymru, Mudiad Meithrin