UCAC welcomes ‘Our National Mission’ education action plan

26 September 2017

UCAC welcomes ‘Our National Mission’ education action plan

UCAC teachers’ union has welcomed Education in Wales: Our national mission, the Education action plan that has been launched today.

The document sets out the priorities for Wales’s education system from 2017 until 2021, within the context of the Welsh Government’s recently launched ‘Prosperity for All: the national strategy’.

Rebecca Williams, UCAC’s Policy Officer said “This action plan is a breath of fresh air. It strikes a refreshing balance between ambition and realism, setting out plans for deep and far-reaching reform, but also outlining realistic methods of working and timeframes.

“The plan emphasises progress through co-operation, support and respect for everyone at every level of the education system, in contrast to some of the more threatening methods of the past. This is clearly a joint project, with shared responsibility.

“UCAC very much welcomes the clarity about the introduction of the new curriculum. We believe that the timetable as set out in the action plan will allow sufficient time for design and testing, for training and familiarisation, and for forward-planning of any consequential reforms to qualifications.

“The attitude towards assessment and accountability, with its emphasis on ‘assessment for learning’ rather than artificial comparisons between schools, is another positive step.

“We look forward to being part of the project, as a critical friend, over the next four years and beyond.”

UCAC is Wales’s own education union. It represents 5,000 teachers, headteachers and lecturers in all education sectors across Wales.

For further information please contact:

Rebecca Williams: 07787 572180 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.