UCAC welcomes pay rise for teachers in Wales

08 September 2021

In response to confirmation from the Education Minister, Jeremy Miles MS, today that there will be a 1.75% pay rise for teachers in Wales, Dilwyn Roberts-Young, Secretary General of UCAC said “We welcome the fact that the Welsh Government, on the recommendation of the Independent Welsh Pay Review Body, has decided to award a pay rise for teachers in Wales. The profession has worked in extremely challenging conditions over the last 18 months and fully deserves this acknowledgement.

“We realise that this was not an easy decision for the Welsh Government to make in light of the Westminster Government's decision to freeze teacher salaries in England and resulting lack of Barnett consequential funding. We therefore appreciate the additional contribution that the Welsh Government has announced today which goes at least some way towards funding the pay rise for school teachers and further education lecturers. We would not want to see a reduction in school budgets as a result of the pay award.

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Adjustment to curriculum implementation timetable welcomed

06 July 2021

In response to the Welsh Government Education Minister’s announcement today that there will be an adjustment to the timetable for implementing Wales’s new curriculum, Dilwyn Roberts-Young, UCAC General Secretary said “We welcome the adjustment to the timetable as a sensible compromise. UCAC tends to agree that the primary sector is, in general, better placed to proceed according to the original timetable, while an extra year for secondary schools will be very much appreciated.

"This is recognition of the fact that secondary schools face a greater challenge in terms of changes to pedagogy and school structures. It is also an acknowledgement of the overwhelming task that has landed on the shoulders of secondary school staff in implementing this year’s alternative qualifications arrangements.

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Organisations urge change to Curriculum and Assessment Bill

19 February 2021

On Friday, 19 February, six organizations sent a joint letter to the Minister for Education requesting amendments to the Curriculum and Assessment (Wales) Bill.

The Minister had rejected an amendment to the Bill that would create a Code for Teaching Welsh on a Single Continuum, but suggested that a Welsh Language Framework could be created and that it could be statutory.

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Teachers’ Pensions

09 February 2021

The Westminster Government has published a report in response to the consultation on public sector pension arrangements including teachers' pensions.

Changes to the 2015 pension arrangements resulted in a legal ruling that the new schemes discriminated against certain groups of public employees. The Government refers to 2015-2022 as the ‘remedy period’.

The Government's report is published here:

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