UCAC’s response to the Welsh Government’s statement on the Independent Welsh Pay Review Body (IWPRB) Report 2022-23.

22 July 2022 

UCAC regrets that this announcement has been made with the majority of schools in Wales already closed for the academic year. This creates additional uncertainty for leaders and teachers at a time of particular challenges in education.

UCAC will look at the detail of the announcement paying particular attention to the Welsh Government's promise that leaders and teachers in Wales will not be of lower value to the salaries and working conditions of equivalent jobs in England. We will also look at the implications of the pledges for September 2023.

Certainly, the wage increase that has been announced does not reflect the levels of inflation that are currently being experienced. That is a disappointment at a time when school staff have gone beyond the expectations of their jobs in order to ensure educational well-being along with the physical and mental health of school pupils.

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UCAC holds its first face-to-face annual conference in three years on Friday, 10 June 2022

09 June 2022 

UCAC will welcome members from all corners of Wales to Aberystwyth University tomorrow for it’s first annual face to face conference in three years tomorrow. Many will also join through TEAMS.

Dilwyn Roberts Young, UCAC General Secretary, said- “It will be a pleasure to be able to meet new and experienced delegates at Aberystwyth University tomorrow. We very much look forward to having the opportunity to discuss and set UCAC policy for the coming year.

We expect several lively discussions, with proposals calling on the Conference to consider changing the name of the Union; extend an invitation to teaching assistants and support workers to join the Union and asking Government to seriously consider their plans to reform the school year.

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UCAC welcomes cautious approach to changing school Covid measures

25 January 2022

UCAC teachers’ union

In response to today’s announcement from the Education Minister, Jeremy Miles MS, Rebecca Williams, Deputy General Secretary of UCAC teachers’ union said “UCAC welcomes Welsh Government’s latest decision to move in a phased and cautious way towards moderating Covid measures in schools and returning to the local decision-making framework.

“The priority across the education system is to keep learners and staff healthy and in school, continuing with education. Keeping the requirement for face coverings in place for the time being is an essential and wholly reasonable component of the strategy to achieve that.

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