UCAC gives warm welcome to Silk Commission recommendations

4 March 2014

UCAC gives warm welcome to Silk Commission recommendations

UCAC education union has responded positively to the recommendations of the Commission on Devolution in Wales (The Silk Commission) published today.
The union has given a particularly warm welcome to the recommendation that teachers’ pay and conditions should be devolved to Wales.

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School Banding: a waste of time and resources

12 December 2013

School Banding: a waste of time and resources

Following the announcement of the banding results for secondary schools in Wales, a spokesperson for UCAC education union said: “Each new set of banding results only emphasises the meaninglessness of this process and any information that emerges from it.

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£100 million for Wales, an appeal to develop the Welsh language

9 December 2013

£100 million for Wales, an appeal to develop the Welsh language

Organisations supporting the Welsh language have called on the First Minister to use a part of the finance that is coming to Wales as a result of the Chancellor’s Autumn Budget Announcement to invest in Welsh language projects that will improve the skills of children and workers.

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PISA Results: UCAC calls for focus

3 December 2013

In the light of PISA test results announced today, a spokesperson for UCAC education union said: “As expected, the results for Wales, and the United Kingdom as a whole, were disappointing.

“As a result of the last PISA results in 2010, the Welsh Government made substantial and fundamental changes to the education system. Some of those reforms are only just beginning to take effect in schools, for example the new Literacy and Numeracy Framework.
“It wasn’t realistic to expect those policies to have had a significant effect on this year’s results – it’s too soon. What’s important now is to keep a strong focus on the changes that have begun to take place, and to ensure that they are implemented thoroughly and consistently across Wales, backed up with strong support for schools.

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