The Situation for schools in Wales will not change on June 1st

7 May 2020

As we approach the Bank Holiday I wanted to draw your attention to the statement from the Education Minister today which confirmed the latest position for education in Wales:


I hope you are safe and healthy – remember that UCAC is here for you to respond to any query.

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The Situation for schools in Wales will not change on June 1st

7 May 2020

As we approach the Bank Holiday I wanted to draw your attention to the statement from the Education Minister today which confirmed the latest position for education in Wales:


I hope you are safe and healthy – remember that UCAC is here for you to respond to any query.

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / 01970 639950


May Day

1 May 2020

A message from Frances O’Grady, TUC on May Day:

This year we can’t be all together on May Day – the day to recognise the contribution of working people.

 This crisis shows us how much we depend on frontline workers in our NHS, care, schools, supermarkets, transport and other essential services.

They are the best of us. And we say thank you.

But as we clap and cheer, this country should also do more.

Everyone who’s kept Britain going deserves a pay rise. It’s time to ban the zero-hours contracts and bogus self-employment that leave carers, shop workers and delivery drivers struggling. Everyone must get decent sick pay. 

That’s how the government should thank working families.

And ministers must make a promise to them too. When this crisis is over, we can’t go back to business as usual.

We need a new deal for working people. Jobs for everyone, decent pay, a strong safety net, fair terms and conditions.

Tough times are still ahead. That’s when you need your union to have your back.

So, we say to the working people of Britain: join a union today. Tell your children and grandchildren, your workmates and neighbours. Search “join a union”.

With pride and solidarity.

International Workers' Memorial Day

28 April 2020

In a message from the Wales TUC we were reminded that the ‘coronavirus crisis has hit our workplaces hard’.

Today, Tuesday 28th April, is International Workers' Memorial Day when there will be an opportunity to remember those who have died at work and we campaign for safe conditions for all employees.

Join in a moment of silence.

At 11.00 am on Tuesday 28 April we urge you to take a moment to pay tribute to all employees who have lost their lives from the coronavirus or other work-related illness or injury. This initiative is supported by the Welsh Government and is a great opportunity to remember the sacrifice of workers around the world and in our communities.

If you’re working from home you could stand on your doorstep to mark the minute’s silence as a street or community. You can help spread the word about the minute’s silence by asking your family, friends and neighbours to take part.

UCAC will report the event on social media.

Education unions call for ‘mutual respect, understanding and support’ joint covid-19 advice

02 April 2020

Today four education unions, UCAC, ASCL, NAHT and NEU have issued joint advice to their members relating to Coronavirus:

Joint union advice on COVID-19 Wales

This is an unprecedented step, which marks both the seriousness of the crisis and the collaboration that has been going on behind the scenes between unions and on the ground between colleagues in schools. 

The advice is the product of several days of joint working, and covers areas like safe staffing, supporting pupils at home and referring safeguarding concerns.

They say: “Success will be borne out of mutual respect, understanding and support underpinned by a generosity of spirit. Crisis invariably brings out the best in school teams. This joint advice has been published in order to make sure that it does.”

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