Tackling the Far Right

29 October 2019

TUC Cymru have produced an eNote in response to the rise of far right extremism in our workplace and communities.

The resource is available in Welsh and English here:


The eNote:

  • explains who the far right is and why we oppose them;
  • gives you practical tips on how to campaign against the far right;
  • lets you practice answering difficult questions you may encounter.

Undeb Cenedlaethol Athrawon Cymru (UCAC) has sent the message of solidarity below to an education union in Catalonia in Catalan, Welsh and English.

28 October 2019

I am writing to you in my capacity as Secretary General, Undeb Cenedlaethol Athrawon Cymru (UCAC).UCAC is an all-Wales union for teachers, headteachers and lecturers - the only trade union specifically for Wales.

This correspondence is in response to your request for unity from within Catalonia and beyond to principles leading to calls for the release of Catalonia's political prisoners imprisoned due to injustice.

We condemn the continuing threat to the people of Catalonia and support your statement that 'it is always our duty to promote dialogue, critical spirit, respect for diversity, citizen participation in public affairs, and a democratic resolution of conflict'.

We stand with you as a Union that firmly believes in the role and power of education in promoting the above principles and duties, and in nurturing generations of principled, conscientious and creative citizens in our respective countries.

We will, of course, be thinking of you at such a difficult time.

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Pay rise welcome but mustn’t lead to cuts, says UCAC

22 October 2019

In response to an announcement by Education Minister, Kirsty Williams AM on 22 October about school teachers’ pay award for 2019-20, UCAC education union has warned that the pay rise must not come at the cost of further cuts to school budgets.

Dilwyn Roberts-Young, UCAC General Secretary said “Although we called for an across-the-board pay rise of 5%, UCAC acknowledges that the 2.75% pay award moves us in the direction of restoring the value of teachers’ salaries.

“We also welcome the fact that the Education Minister went beyond the Independent Welsh Pay Review Body’s initial recommendation of 2.4%.

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10 October 2019 
I recently had the privilege of attending a meeting entitled 'Wales: A caring country?', organised for all those involved in education, to create a vision and strategy that will deliver the impact of mindfulness in Wales.
The group had met earlier in May as an opportunity to take initial steps in considering health and well-being in education here in Wales.
What is Mindfulness within a school context?
Mindfulness is learning to take account of our experiences as they occur, with curiosity and acceptance and during the day there was an excellent opportunity to hear how various practitioners had begun to embed Mindfulness within their local authorities, and their schools.

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