School closure – wise decision, says UCAC

19 March 2020

UCAC education union has welcomed today’s announcement by the Minister for Education that the Easter holidays will be brought forward for schools in Wales, closing on Friday 20 March at the latest.

Dilwyn Roberts-Young, UCAC General Secretary said “School staff have shown over recent days and weeks that they are willing to be on the front line in the effort to contain the outbreak of Covid-19.

“UCAC welcomes the Minister for Education’s announcement today which ensures consistency across Wales, and which commits to looking at how best to support and safeguard the most vulnerable of our learners.

“UCAC will continue its daily meetings with Welsh Government officials and will be urging action on two fronts as a matter of urgency.

“First is the need for an announcement about external exams. The current uncertainty is causing extreme anxiety to learners and staff. We need clarity as soon as possible.

“The second is the need for a set of guidelines about what school staff can be expected to do during this period, including how schools should take into account staff who are ill or have caring responsibilities.

“UCAC will continue to provide advice and support to our members during this extremely difficult period.”


  • UCAC is Wales’s own education union. It represents teachers, headteachers and lecturers in all education sectors across Wales

For further information please contact:

  • Rebecca Williams: 07787 572180 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

10 March 2020

Public Health Wales has confirmed that the coronavirus (COVID-19) has arrived in Wales and that a patient is under supervision.

We are drawing your attention to guidance from the Welsh Government to assist schools and other educational settings in advising pupils, students, staff, and parents or carers about coronavirus:



In addition, here is a statement released by Qualifications Wales:

Please contact us if you need to discuss further.

Union welcomes new curriculum – but sounds cautionary note on implementation

28 January 2020

UCAC education union has welcomed today’s publication of curriculum guidance by Welsh Government (28 January), but has warned that particular issues will require attention as planning and implementation begin.

Rebeca Williams, UCAC Deputy General Secretary said “Today is a historic day which sees the publication of a uniquely Welsh curriculum. This is a huge step for Wales and is testament to the vision of the Minister for Education and the hard work of the education profession in Wales over a number of years.

“The Minister herself has called on schools not to rush into trying to plan for this, but rather to take space and time to understand the new model and to start to discuss their vision and values which will inform their planning process. This is wise advice.

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UCAC has lost one who has worked tirelessly for the Union

09 January 2020

UCAC has lost one who has worked tirelessly for the Union and for the welfare of teachers and pupils throughout Wales.

Siân Cadifor had been UCAC's county secretary in Rhondda Cynon Taf, a member of the National Council and had contributed to a number of Union committees over the years including the Equality Committee.

She was held in high esteem by our fellow members and by educators due to her concern for the education of pupils and for ensuring teacher's well-being as well as a desire to see Wales succeed and for the Welsh language to flourish.

Our deepest sympathies are with Elin and Rhun, her brother and sister, and the whole family.

Following a private service at Coychurch Crematorium, a public service will be held at Tabernacle Chapel, Efail Isaf at 12pm on Saturday, January 25th, 2020.

PISA results must be used wisely, says teaching union

3 November 2019

In response to the publication of the results of the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) by the OECD today, UCAC education union has called for all concerned to make wise use of the data.

Dilwyn Roberts-Young, UCAC General Secretary said “This year’s PISA results provide a wealth of information about various aspects of our education system. The headlines are comparatively encouraging – and everyone concerned is to be congratulated on that. However, we must be careful to go beyond the headlines.

“It appears that some of the reforms that have already been implemented are beginning to pay off. But we must remember that the major reforms to the curriculum, assessment arrangements and accountability systems have yet to be put in action. We now need to concentrate on implementing those reforms in an effective way over the coming years if they are to help us on our journey towards improving education for all in Wales.

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