Better to take the time to get it right, says UCAC

20 September 2019

In response to Welsh Government’s announcement on 17 September about delaying the introduction of the new Additional Learning Needs system for a year, UCAC education union has said that it’s better to take the time to get the reforms right.

Rebecca Williams, UCAC Deputy General Secretary said “Although the announcement has come as a surprise, UCAC welcomes the extra year to ensure that the new Additional Learning Needs system is implemented effectively.

“The Additional Learning Needs Code is a key document for everyone who works in this field, and it’s crucial that it should be fit for purpose. There are a number of issues within the draft Code which would benefit from more detailed discussion – something which the extension to the timetable will now allow.

“The extra year would also allow the Independent Welsh Pay Review Body to consider the pay and conditions of ALNCos and ensure that they are in tune with the demands of the new system.

“UCAC believes that when it comes to large-scale reform, it is better to take the time to get it right. So we urge everyone to respect the new timetable and to make the most of the extra time to be ready for implementation.”

Earth Strike

19 September 2019

Earth Strike

UCAC supports the composite passed at Congress which resolved that the TUC would:

  • call for a 30-minute workday campaign action to coincide with the global school strike on 20 September
  • campaign for national and regional Just Transition Commissions including full union and education representation to develop, monitor and implement the process.  

An official from UCAC will be present at the Earth Strike event to be held in Aberystwyth near the Train Station at 11.30am.

Suspend Westminster Parliament

02 August 2019

Suspend Westminster Parliament

The current political climate is creating a great deal of uncertainty with the possibility of a ‘No Deal’ Brexit.
Frances O’Grady, the General Secretary of the Trades Union Congress (TUC), has responded on behalf of all unions including the Undeb Cenedlaethol Athrawon Cymru (UCAC) to the latest threat to suspend the Westminster parliament:
“This is a deliberate ploy by the prime minister to duck basic democratic scrutiny, at a time when people’s jobs and livelihoods are on the line.
“By denying parliament a voice, this government is treating the people with contempt.
“The effects of crashing out of the European Union without a deal would be felt for a generation.
“People and parliament together can stop this.
“We’ll support any democratic initiative to stop a disastrous no-deal whether through legislation, a general election or a popular vote.”
UCAC will continue to discuss the situation with the TUC and TUC Cymru over the coming days and weeks.

Eisteddfod Genedlaethol 2020

31 July 2019

Eisteddfod Genedlaethol 2020

This year, like every year, UCAC will have a presence on the National Eisteddfod field and we’re really looking forward to the Conwy County Eisteddfod in Llanrwst
UCAC officers and members will be at our stall (Stand 117) throughout the week and there will be an opportunity for conversation and discussion and to hear more about the inter-union School Cuts campaign.
We look forward to welcoming our members.

Discussions with the Treasury at Westmister

29 July 2019

Discussions with the Treasury ar Westminster

On Tuesday, July 23rd, 2019 General Secretary Dilwyn Roberts-Young attended an inter-union meeting with the Treasury at Westminster. The meeting was organised by the TUC, in order to ensure an opportunity to consider the judgment of the court case relating to pensions of firefighters. 
Although the judgment is specific to that profession there may be far-reaching implications for all those working in the public sector including teachers, lecturers and leaders.
Co-incidentally, a written statement was received from Hannah Blythyn, Deputy Minister for Housing and Local Government, Welsh Government on the morning of the meeting. 
This statement can be read here:

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